Crushing Low Stakes Poker: How to Make $1,000s Playing Low Stake Sit 'n Go's (Kindle Edition)
Author: Mike Turner
Year: Jan 2013
Print house: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
This book is on Sit 'n Go's: exciting and very profitable single or multi-table tournaments that start as soon as enough players have registered. Sit 'n Go's are easier to play than big field multi-table tournaments and cash games, making them an ideal format for beginning players. The strategy in them is also more straightforward, making it easier to play multiple tables at once thereby increasing your hourly rate. And most of all: they're a lot of fun to play!
In this book the author shares some of his secrets and strategies for consistently crushing low stakes SnG's. Example hands bring the different strategy concepts and ideas to life, making the book practical and easy to follow.