Online Poker Spotlight: Per Hagen

Pokernews: Hello Mr. Hagen! For the readers out there who don't know you, give them a brief description of who you are, and what you do.
Per Hagen: Well I'm a 34 year old Norwegian who lives just outside of Oslo. I founded Poker Icons which is an agency for professional poker players from all over the world back in 2006.
PN: What exactly do you do for the poker players, or how does a poker agency work?
Hagen: We provide a lot of services for our players such as finding them sponsorship and endorsement deals. Once thats achieved we make sure that everything runs smoothly for both the player and the sponsoring partner, so the players can focus on doing what they do best - play poker.
PN: Sounds great, how many clients do you currently have?
Hagen: Counting our newest signing, Juha Helppi who's a WPT and EPT winner - we have 37 players (including 3 celebrities)
PN: Congrats! That��s a lot of players. Besides signing poker players, how is your life outside of poker?
Hagen: Once I get a life outside of poker you'll be the first one to know, lol!
PN: Haha, well then, what would a dream day be for you?
Hagen: Me, my wife and our daughter on the beach in Crete (Greece).
PN: That would be sweet, I hear Greece is beautiful.
Hagen: It's very nice there. Both the people and the food are great! We go there every summer and have our own regular spot right on the beach.
PN: Must be nice! You��ll have to post pics on your new blog at Pokernews next time you go to Greece.
Hagen: Deal!
PN: Alright Per, now onto the "H2H" questions! First question, You just had a $500k score, do you buy a bunch of toys or go to Charles Schwaab?
Hagen: I'm a gadget freak, but I think the wife would kill me if I bought some more now. I think I would buy myself a nice new watch (I collect), take a vacation somewhere nice, and then put the rest in the bank.
PN: So basically the wife has you by a leash! :)
Hagen: No, no! I'm the boss...she's given me permission to say that!
PN: lol! So what type of watch is on your list to get next?
Hagen: Well, with that big score I think I would go for a Vacheron Constantin.
PN: Good choice. Who do you think are the top three online poker players in the world?
Hagen: Tournament or Cash? hum...well I think that's almost impossible to answer. Overall, can you be a little more specific?
PN: Ok Give us your top 3 MTT players, and your top 3 Cash Players online that is.
Hagen: MTT's 1. Alex "AJKHoosier1" Kamberis 2. Chris "Moorman1" Moorman 3. Annette "Annette_15" Obrestad Cash: 1. Tom "durrrr" Dwan 2. Sami "LarsLuzak" Kelopuro 3. A player I know who is up more then anyone else, but keeps his name hidden.
PN: You have to tell us number 3!
Hagen: Sorry, I promise I wouldn��t :)
PN: Per thank you for taking the time to stop by and we wish you and Poker Icons the best of luck!
Hagen: Thanks Ryan! Cheers.