@AsianSpa Blogs: Palms Poker Room, Iceman's Absence from Aria, and More

Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of PokerNews.
Another week is in the books and we're one step closer to the best time of the year �� the WSOP. Last week was super busy �� I had my condo turned upside down getting new floors, paint, furniture and TVs. I posted a Twitter picture of the floors and paint which turned out great.
Last Thursday night I enjoyed a great meal with #TeamSpa VP Steven (@jacare5071), who was in town for the Mayweather/Cotto fight, at Le-Thai downtown on Fremont. Nice to break bread and #TruthSpeak with such a great guy. We worked on details for the July 2012 #TruthSpeakersUnite meet up. Steven invited me to the fight as he had an extra ticket for the 12th row, but I ended up staying in and watching the fights.
I did head over to the new Palms/Cantor Poker Room on Saturday and played $1/$2 for an hour or so since that is all that was running. The room is amazing; I am very impressed with the new layout and atmosphere. I think this is what the Palms needed. Swing shift manager Bobby Griffith (@bobbygriff9) gave me the nickel tour. He is running a good ship there and I plan on playing there more in the coming months. Poker is back at the Palms!
I listened to Todd Witteles�� radio show on his site PokerFraudAlert.com. Brandon Gerson (aka Drexel) and Todd have a weekly show now that they parted ways with DonkDown.com. The highlight of any show is the Teddy ��Iceman�� Monroe (@Icemannitelife) check-in. Teddy rebuffed the rumor that he is banned from Aria. If you remember back a few years, Teddy was a fixture at the Bellagio Poker Room but was ultimately banned from the poker room for the ��coin flipping�� incident. As you know, I play a lot at Aria and have played numerous hours with Teddy in the $2/$5 game. I have not seen Teddy for over a week, so either he is 86d or he is pouting and staying away.
The WSOP changed some of the rulings this year with table talk and celebration being allowed and even encouraged. I think this is good for TV and the game. I just hope they allow this in the poker dome final table area and the ��fun police�� (shout out to my boy MrSrslySirius) allow the fans to cheer their player on this year! Last year security tried to keep the fans quiet during the final tables and I think that is why the final table area was like a ghost town! I also give props to the WSOP on the elimination of the $10 food voucher and now just crediting comps on your player��s card. Changes are moving in the right direction.
I am excited for the WSOP, and will be posting numerous photos and telling the stories from the halls of the Rio and Amazon Room. And this year is no exception, I will again be placing #BadJuJu? on people who deserve it and others (Jeff Madsen) still have it lingering over them like a black cloud. I will also be rallying around #TeamSpa members during their events and firing off #SpaRunGood? and #GoodJuJu? on their quest for a bracelet and to #KickD**ksIn. That��s what #MembersHelpingMembers is all about!
Have to enjoy the poll PokerNews put up asking if all the players on Full Tilt got paid, would we forgive Chris Ferguson & Howard Lederer. Check it out on the Muck. You know where I stand, I have been very vocal on this!
Till then I send #SpaRunGood? & #GoodJuJu?