Poker's Highest Honor Roll

There is no honor higher in poker than winning the main event of the World Series of Poker. In the 35 years the event had been staged, 29 different men have had their names associated with the games highest honor.
Some of these men have passed away, some of them have been passed by when speaking about the history of the game. Many of these names would be unknown to most who have discovered the game in the current explosion of Poker of the last couple years. But one thing is for sure...Each one of these men had their moment in the sun
In about five weeks, some lucky and skilled person is going to add their name to this long list of poker legends. Whether lucky, good, or a lot of both, all of these men had at least one moment in the poker sun. Five weeks from now, one more person will get to have their moment in the sun, and join this list of poker immortals.
To learn more about some of the earlier legends, click on their names to read about their lives.
1970: Johnny Moss
1971: Johnny Moss
1972: Amarillo Slim
1973: Puggy Pearson
1974: Johnny Moss
1975: Sailor Roberts
1976: Doyle Brunson
1977: Doyle Brunson
1978: Bobby Baldwin
1979: Hal Fowler
1980: Stu Ungar
1981: Stu Ungar
1982: Jack Strauss
1983: Tom Mcevoy
1984: Jack Keller
1985: Bill Smith
1986: Berry Johnston
1987: Johnny Chan
1988: Johnny Chan
1989: Phil Hellmuth
1990: Monsour Matloubi
1991: Brad Daugherty
1992: Hamid Dasmalchi
1993: Jim Bechtel
1994: Russ Hamilton
1995: Dan Harrington
1996: Huck Seed
1997: Stu Ungar
1998: Scotty Nguyen
1999: Noel Furlong
2000: Chris Ferguson
2001: Carlos Mortensen
2002: Robert Varkoni
2003: Chris Moneymaker
2004: Greg Raymer
Ed Note: To add your name to this list, hone your game at Interpoker