WSOP Circuit-Tunica Special Report: Up Close with Glyn Banks

Glyn Banks may not be a household name (yet), but this Smithville, Tennessee native they call "Ratchet" is certainly leaving his mark on the poker tables in Tunica, Mississippi. Last October, Glyn posted a third-place finish at the 2006 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Circuit Event held at the Grand Casino Resort in Tunica. Today he has the opportunity to equal or better that accomplishment, having secured a spot at this year's final table, which begins today at 12:00 p.m. local time.
Glyn graciously granted PokerNews a brief phone interview on the eve of the final table:
PokerNews [PN]: First, why "Ratchet?"
Glyn Banks [GB]: Long story about that. My first cousin and I used to hang out in the pool hall. We had this song on the Jukebox, called "Cry Like a Ratchet." I used to lose at pool all the time and cry about it, so they just starting calling me "Ratchet." Later on, I started winning, but the name just stuck.
PN: Have you logged much time with anyone at the final table?
GB: Jordan Morgan. I've played some with him. He's about the only name on that table that I really know.
PN: You finished third here last year and have recorded 11 other significant cashes in Tunica. What is it about this city that seems to bring out the best in your game?
GB: It's a four-hour drive from where I live. Sometimes it seems like I'm more confident when I've got my car with me, rather than having to fly everywhere. I think it takes a lot of pressure off you when you get to play close the area that you live in.
PN: Dennis Perry (reigning Tunica Circuit Event champion) told us that he thinks you're one of the best short-stack players he knows. When 18-handed play began, you were dead last in chips with right around 19,000. Since then you've chipped up and are currently seventh in chips going into the final table, just 34k below the average. What's the secret to your short-stack play?
GB: Patience. Patience, grasshopper. You hang on long enough, you'll get chips. I found out when I first started playing this game, everybody wants to get chips, get chips, get chips. But if you just hold on long enough, the chips will come your way.
PN: Name one person at the final table, besides yourself, who you think has the best shot at winning the event tomorrow.
GB: Jordan Morgan. He's young and a bunch of the players won't know him, but he can play and he can mix it up.
PN: If you win tomorrow, it would be your biggest cash to date. What's the first thing you'll buy with the $213,000 first prize?
GB: I'd just probably put it in the bank. I own several homes - I just travel and play poker. I'd like to have money and invest in something else later on. I'd probably play more tournaments with it, too.
PN: What's next for Glyn Banks after Tunica?
GB: If I could win this event, I'd definitely go to the Borgata in Atlantic City and just buy in to the main event. If not, I'll probably go and try to win a spot in the mega-satellite over there.