Women's Poker Spotlight: Upcoming Ladies Events

Oklahoma State Championship of Poker
Cherokee Casino in Tulsa
777 West Cherokee Street, I-44 and 193rd East Ave. (Exit 240)
Catoosa, OK 74015
(918) 384-6648
The Oklahoma State Championship of <a href=https://www.wildvideoparty.com/>Poker</a> will kick off this week, starting with a $100 buy-in Jack and Jill tournament on the 5th. The ladies get to show their stuff on Thursday, February 12th. The $300+40 buy-in ladies event will begin promptly at noon.
The Cherokee Casino offers online registration for all tournaments. Online registration ends at midnight the day before the scheduled event. After midnight players must register for the event live at the casino. More info is available at <a href=https://cherokeecasino.com target=_blank rel=nofollow >cherokeecasino.com</a>.
Horseshoe Council Bluffs WSOP Circuit Event
2701 23 Ave
Council Bluffs, IA 51502
(712) 329-6000
Horseshoe Council Bluffs is the next stop on the <a href=https://www.wildvideoparty.com/wsop/>World Series of Poker</a> Circuit series trail. The ladies take their seats on Sunday, February 15th at 4:00 PM, with a $200+35 event that will span two days.
Wednesday, February 25th the $5,000+$150 buy in main event begins at 12:00 PM. The winner will head to the World Series of Poker Main Event in July. Registration for all events during the Circuit Event begins Thursday, February 12th.
Sweethearts Weekend Bicycle Casino
What better way to celebrate Valentines Day than playing poker with your sweetheart? The 2009 Sweethearts Weekend at the Bike will be held from Friday, February 13th to Sunday, February 15th.
To start the action, a $50+10 buy-in Ladies vs. Men tournament has been scheduled for Friday the 13th, beginning at 7:00 PM. Show 'em who rules the felt! Team up with your loved one on Saturday the 14th in the "Tag Team" tournament at 2:00 PM. Finally, show your sweetheart that it's not a man's game anymore! The Queen of Hearts Ladies Only tournament starts on Sunday, February 15th at 2:00 PM.
High Heels Poker Tour
Baby, it's cold out there! High Heels Poker Tour invites you to warm up at their $300 buy-in ladies-only event during the Winter Chill <a href=https://www.wildvideoparty.com/freeroll-tournaments/ >Poker Tournament</a> at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT. Players will start with 10,000 in chips. Take advantage of the special room rates offered to High Heels players; call 860-862-4219 and speak with Licia Sas Poker Office Coordinator of the Mohegan Sun for more information on room rates.
**Please note: The two-day High Heels Poker Tour Academy that was previously scheduled for this weekend has been postponed due to poor weather conditions in the Northeast and has been rescheduled for July, 2009.
The next stop on the High Heels Poker Tour will be held at Mardi Gras in Hollywood, FL. on Friday, February 13th. The $150 buy-in tourney will have a guaranteed prize pool of $5,000. An optional add-on will be available for an additional $10.