The Nightly Turbo: NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship Betting Odds, a Charity Poker Tournament, and More

In tonight's Nightly Turbo we're bringing you news on betting odds for this weekend's NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship, the scoop on a charity poker tournament, and more.
In Case You Missed It
After Day 4 of the World Poker Tour LA Poker Classic, 22 players were left. Who's on the top of the chip counts? Read this to find out.
Did you send in a question for the PokerNews Mailbag recently? Find out if it got answered in our latest Q&A session.
Coverage of the World Series of Poker Europe Main Event on ESPN is over. Did you miss Sunday's episodes? We've recapped them, don't worry.
Go All In for Veterans
On March 3, you better head to Washington, D.C. from wherever you are to hit up the Go All-In for Veterans poker tournament. It's important to give back, and obviously you need as many chances you can get at winning a 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event seat.
Poker players, politicians, and celebrities are all on tap for this tournament benefiting the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Registration begins at 6 p.m. and the tournament starts at 7 p.m. at the Grand Hyatt. Ben Affleck, Andy Bloch, Linda Johnson, and Mike Sexton are all scheduled to be there.
Find out more at
NBC Heads-Up Betting Odds
You've seen the NBC National Heads UP Poker Championship player list. The Draw Party for is this Thursday, and now it's time to do some betting.
SkyBet has you covered; having laid odds on every player in the event on being the outright winner.
Just to give you a few examples: Phil Ivey is at 10/1 as is last year's champ Huck Seed. Tom Dwan is at 16/1, second place finisher in 2009, Vanessa Rousso is 25/1. Joe Cada is sitting at 40/1, Doyle Brunson at 50/1, and you can take Jennifer Tilly at 100/1.
Oh, and in case you need to sweat your bets, PokerNews will be covering the event and bringing you updates from the Caesars Poker Room.
Check out all the odds and maybe place a bet or two over at
When we saw the tweets the other day claiming that Trishelle Canatella had stormed off the Poker2Nite set, we have to admit, we were pretty curious as to what happened. The boys can't be that bad �� can they?
Thanks to Wicked Chops Poker, video evidence has surfaced of the supposed tiff that Canatella and Joe Sebok got into, and by the looks of things, it was about as real as an episode of The Real World, or more fittingly "The Hills." Heck, we'll go as far as to compare it to Heidi from "The Hills." Yeah, we went there. See for yourself. Oh, and nice chair toss Trishelle.
EPT Berlin
Gloria Balding and the PokerNews Live Reporting Team are in Berlin, Germany, for the latest PokerStars European Poker Tour stop. She caught up with Ludovic Lacay and decided to call the clock on him. He wants to be SpiderMan and hates Celine Dion. Find out if his French pick-up lines are any good in the video below.
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