Markup Scheduled for Frank's Internet Gambling Bill

Barney Frank will fulfill his promise to hold a markup on hisInternet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection and Enforcement Act in July. The chairman scheduled the markup for Tuesday in the House Financial Services Committee.
This could be a historic moment in the movement toward officially legal Internet poker in the United States. It would be the first time a regulatory bill is passed in a Congressional committee. It would only be a first step, and further steps this year remain unlikely, but it would show that Congress really is slowly coming around on the issue.
That Frank is calling for this markup means he is confident in the bill's chances.
"I cannot imagine the chairman calling a vote on his bill if he didn't believe it was going to pass," said John Pappas, executive director of the Poker Players Alliance.
At a markup, amendments to bills are proposed and changes are made before putting the bill to a vote to advance out of the committee. The markup is scheduled for 10 a.m. EST. However, HR 2267 is one of six bills the committee is scheduled to address on a busy day, making the exact timing difficult to project.
Since its introduction in May of 2009, the bill has received 69 co-sponsors. Frank held hearings on the legislation in December of 2009 and again this past Wednesday.
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