The PokerNews Strategy Roundup: URnotINdanger2's Debut Video, WCOOP Blog With Nanonoko and more

Its another huge week for the PokerNews Strategy Team as we unveil the long awaited debut from one of the biggest online players right now.
Scott "URnotINdanger2" Palmer First Video
The time has finally come to delve into the mind of one of the biggest online stories of the year, Scott "URnotINdanger2" Palmer. At just 20 years old he has climbed the ranks at an amazing rate and amassed over $1.4 million in winnings, taking on players like durrrr along the way. He has finally put together his first video, 4 tabling $1/$2 NL heads up on Full Tilt. PokerNews Strategy is the only place to watch the legendary URnotINdanger2 do his thing.
Nanonoko��s WCOOP Video Blog
Team PokerStars Online pro Randy "nanonoko" Lew has been keeping PokerNews Strategy Students abreast of his busy schedule during the PokerStars WCOOP via his video blog this week:
UpSwings for Nascar_1949
Kane "Nascar_1949" Kalas is in high spirits this week as he is on a big upswing right now, pocketing about $170,000 in the last two weeks. Its been a nice balance of winning $47k in the $1k Monday and the rest at the $25/$50 tables. In his latest blog he gives some great insight into how handle variance:
��1.) During a downswing, sometimes one of the best things to do is take a short break to clear your mind. Do things that are relaxing, such as watching movies with friends, golfing, going to the beach (if your fortunate enough to live somewhere life Miami :-P) ect.
2.) Never make quotas. Poker is a career unlike most other careers in that an increased volume doesn't necessarily correlate to an increased output. In most other lines of work, while one's productivity rate may decrease as the total number of hours that one work's per week increases, the net output will still always increase as working time increases. In poker, however, if you overwork yourself, you may begin playing poorly and, as a result, may be -EV in some games which you would normally be a favorite in.
Corollary: Take breaks! Ever notice how during your first 1-2 hours sessing you are on the top of your game? You have patience, discipline, and intuition, and you analyze everything that is taking place at the table even when your not involved in the hand. 8 hours into a session online, however, you will find yourself facing an allin on the river at 25/50 NL for 4K more into a 5K pot with a bluffcatcher without even knowing what your opponent did preflop! If you start to feel worn out, get up, do a couple stretches, take a shower, have a quicky - whatever; just do something to reset yourself so that you are back on your A game when you sit back down at the tables (if you are in a lot of 6m or 9h games simply sit out for a few rotations and come back and resume in 5 minutes).
3.) Have balance in your life. The periods of my life in which I have played the best poker have come when everything else in my life seems to be going great. The periods of my life in which I have played the worst poker seem to occur when I think back on everything I had done in the past week and all I can remember is grinding online. Maintain a balance in your life. Hang out with friends, go to a concert, meet people!��

Over on the PokerNews Strategy Forums
We have said this before, now we are going to say it again, if you are a PLO enthusiast you are burning money not posting in our PLO forum. That��s because bracelet winner and heads up PLO master Josh ��LitleBastrd�� Tieman is taking lots of valuable time out of his schedule to answer all your questions and review your hand histories. He is considered one of the best PLO players online and has kindly posted in every single PLO thread (of which there are many).
Want More? Check out our Sample Videos:
Obviously you want to see for yourself before you sign up to a strategy site, so check out this sample video from Rayan Nathan
If you like what you see then sign up to PokerNews Strategy today and unlock your poker future!