2011 WSOP: A Day in the Life of Jordan "Jymaster11" Young

If you don��t know who Jordan ��Jymaster11�� Young is by now you are going to know him by the end of the World Series of Poker. This kid started making some noise on the virtual felt last year, most notably when he won the $750,000 Guaranteed and Sunday Brawl on Full Tilt Poker on the same day for over $235,000 last August. This year in the 2011 World Series of Poker he��s already cashed three times during the first three weeks. The 24-year old from Muskegon, Michigan, dropped out of Michigan State University after two years to give poker a shot and it brought him all the way to Las Vegas, where he��s already making a name for himself in the live tournaments.
We��ll be following him around all day today, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed, giving you an inside look at his world as he competes in the WSOP. Every detail, every bad beat, every shipped pot, and who knows what else in between, so stay tuned.
11:03 a.m. PDT: We just received a text from Jordan. "Just woke up and took a shower, getting dressed right now...feel free to add how good I look this morning." It must be nice to wake up at eleven o'clock. We've been up for hours. Oh yeah, Jordan looks good this morning.
12:03 p.m. PDT: Jordan just sat down for Event: #36 No-Limit Hold'em $2,500 buy-in. He's at table 118 in the Pavilion Room. He is apparently not a morning person but made it in time for the first hand. His idea of looking good is sweatpants and a t-shirt.
12:29 p.m. PDT: Jordan picked up his first pot of the day while listening to "Lil' Wayne - We Got That." He flopped a flush and was able to get some money out of the other players. He looks half asleep but is still able to win pots. Not sure if he had a long night or not last night.
1:04 p.m. PDT: We asked Jordan what he thought of his table. He doesn't seem to be too worried. Looks like an average table draw with no sickos and no real big fish. He said the player in the one seat is really good but is playing tight early, the player in the three seat is a Euro-nit, and the player in the nine seat is playing overly aggressive.
1:36 p.m. PDT: Jordan is having a miserable time. He's been rivered four times and is down to 3,000 from a starting stack of 7,500. We can never find a smile on his face, he's always mean-mugging his opponents.

2:05 p.m. PDT: We went to Starbucks on the break and Jordan made us wait in this long line for a strawberry smoothie. This kid is always on his phone, and he didn't even ask if we wanted anything.

2:35 p.m PDT: Just as we came back from break Jordan shoved with 2,800 with KxJx over an opponent playing a bunch of hands. The big blind woke up with AxQx and Jordan busted out early.
3:02 p.m. PDT: We are about to do a twitcam live from the Rio with Jordan in a few minutes. Join the conversation at twitter.com/pokernews.
3:25 p.m. PDT: We just finished our first twitcam of the day from the Poker Kitchen here in the Rio. You can watch the video here.
Now we are off to grind the cash games.
3:51 p.m. PDT: We just sat down at the Rio cash section where Jordan is playing 5/10 No-Limit Hold'em. He just showed me the most adorable picture of his dog, Doogan, and Nephew, Braedon. How cute are they?

4:15 p.m. PDT: Watching poker all day can get pretty boring so as we sit here and watch Jordan we decided to go through his iPod to see what he listens to on a typical day at the table . Here are his top songs:
Knockout - Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne
Cookie Jar - Gym Class Heroes
Don't Be Shy - Shwayze
Lost My Mind - Shwayze
Best I Ever Had - Drake
Throw It In the Bag - Lil Wayne
5:03 p.m. PDT: Jordan has been playing 5/10 No-Limit Hold'em for about an hour now and is up a few hundred dollars. He is on the phone most of the time texting with his sisters back home in Michigan, and his parents who are on vacation in Hawaii. He has one of the most supportive families we've ever seen. Talking with him throughout the day makes us see how important they are in his life. He just showed us a video of Braedon that his sister Brittany sent him. No wonder why he misses them so much.

5:51 p.m. PDT: Jordan is still grinding at the cash games and his table is really quiet. So to keep things interesting we asked him some of the poker lingo that him and his friends use. This is what we learned:
Beak, Beaked, Beaking - To talk. For example, "The player to my left won't stop beaking at me."
Dolt - A donkey. For example, "I played like a dolt in this tournament."
Perma - Over it. Not having it. For example, "This kid tried bluffing me and I was just perma. So I called him with fourth pair."
Percs - Cool. Awesome. - For example, "That dude's hat is percs."
Now that you know the lingo feel free to use it during our next twitcam session.
6:13 p.m. PDT: This has been our view for the past two hours.

At least this view is better than the front view.
6:19 p.m. PDT: Jordan just picked up his chips and we are finally going to dinner. We were going to play heads-up to see who pays the bill but he is way too scared. If you don't see posts on here the next hour follow us on twitter @jymaster11 and @yeegone for more updates.
6:30 p.m. PDT: So in a last minute change of plans as we were on our way to Bellagio to eat, I jokingly said we should go jump off the Stratosphere thinking that Jordan would never want to do that because he told me earlier there are two things he will never do; bungee jump and skydive. I really did not think he would want to go since he was so adamant on not going. Well for some reason he thought it would be a great idea. So now we are off to the Stratosphere to make the jump.
7:15 p.m. PDT: Waiting to jump off the Stratosphere is the most nerve-wrecking thing ever. Jordan is insisting that I go first and I am not too happy about it. He is getting suited up and harnessed and I am freaking out. He is freaking out. We are both freaking out the people who work there too.

7:50 p.m. PDT:
8:40 p.m PDT: Off to dinner at Noodles in Bellagio. Jordan will be doing a Twitcam in about an hour at the Rio.
9:00 p.m. PDT: Eating dinner at Noodles and one of Jordan's favorite things to say is, "don't tell me what to do." We get to Noodles and he begins to start ordering off the menu but our waiter pretty much put him in his place right from the start. Jordan tried to order the sea bass but our little old waiter said that was a bad choice. I was expecting Jordan to say "don't tell me what to do" or at least mean-mug him but instead he ordered what the waiter said.

10:47 p.m. PDT: We are going to wrap up the day with a Twitcam here from the Amazon Room in the Rio. Join the conversation at twitter.com/pokernews.
11:16 p.m. PDT: Here is the Twitcam wrap up video from the Amazon Room in the Rio. Thanks for joining us!