Full Tilt Poker Red Pros Can Now Petition for Black Friday Refunds

The Garden City Group (GCG), the firm responsible for overseeing the repayment of money owed to Full Tilt Poker players in the U.S., has received approval to process refund petitions for most of the site's designated US-based "professionals" according to an update on the www.FullTiltPokerClaims.com website.
"It has been determined that players designated by Full Tilt Poker as 'professionals,' other than Team Full Tilt Players, will be able to submit Petitions for Remission to recover the portion of their account balance that is not attributable to compensation provided by FTP or affiliate revenue."
Red Pros other than Team Full Tilt Poker players should have received notices with information and instructions on Aug. 4. This group of players now has only one month to complete and send applications for refunds with the deadline set for Sept. 3.
The players will not be able to petition for any affiliate revenue or missing compensation that came along with being a red pro, but interestingly enough they will be able to include their own rakeback, which in some cases could be significant.
It is conceivable that the refund calculations might not be simple for this group of poker players, so it is of no surprise that the Garden City Group encourages the petitions to include emails, screen shots, bank statements, and anything else that may substantiate their claim.
Player reaction?
Many players took to the poker forums after this news to express their frustration.
U.S. Full Tilt Poker players that have been 'patiently' waiting after filing a petition containing disputed balances are going a little stir-crazy and are not happy to hear others are potentially skipping them in line. It is reasonable to understand their frustration considering they were just Full Tilt Poker customers and not site pros.
The frustration continues to mount for disputed balance customers as time goes on with no word about when money will be received a good 40 months since their money disappeared on Black Friday.
There��s a minority of players who are frustrated that this group is even eligible for compensation since they were representing a site that did not have its money on hand when judgment day came.
This is understandable for some players to think, however the general feeling is that these players also deserve their poker funds returned. Very few if any of these players had any clue that the site they were representing was anything but above board, so why shouldn't they be entitled to at least their poker funds back?
Perhaps the timing of the announcement would have been better received if all players that already filed a petition received their refunds.
Stay tuned to PokerNews as more news develops relating to Full Tilt Poker refunds.
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