New Online Poker Room Titanbet Poker Launched

World-renowned gambling portal, Titanbet, recently launched their UK poker site. Titanbet have always had a strong online presence, and many UK-based players, which means the UK site will be welcomed by many. This new UK-only site comes after changing UK legislation, which means any online casinos or betting places that want to take bets from UK players will have to have a UK license.
These new regulations were introduced at the start of November 2014. To obtain the license, applicants will have to go through an extensive vetting process to prove they are reputable. This process includes showing a link to the public register that explains the site's license status and having all their games tested and approved by third parties before they're offered to site visitors. Over 150 online gambling sites have applied for this license to date, Titanbet being one of them. The new regulations will enable UK online poker players to make more informed choices about which casino sites they play on.
PT Entertainment Services (a subsidiary brand of Playtech, the gaming software services provider) plans to secure a UK gambling license extremely soon, which will allow the operator to keep offering its services to UK customers. The UK Titanbet site will see the migration of Titanbet's UK customers to the new portal. These customers have already received a notification of the changes occurring, and any open bets or account balances have already been moved to the new UK site.
Titanbet is one of the most trusted online gambling sites, with a huge range of games on offer. TitanBet Poker is the real draw, with a wide range of games to choose from, such as Texas hold'em, "Speed Poker," and frequent tournaments. The monthly prize pool at multi-table tournaments (MTTs) is over �5,000,000. Tournaments include short-hand, full-ring, turbo, deep-stack, knockout, and regular events.
On the new UK site you'll also find sports betting, for everything from football and horse racing to mixed martial arts. Live updates are made to odds and scores, and bets can be made in real time. The casino section of the site offers a selection of the latest online games, such as roulette, scratch cards, and slots. For a more laid-back time, you could try the bingo area of the site. Or if you fancy the real human interaction that you would get at an actual casino, you should take a look at the live casino, where you can play and chat with dealers; these beautiful girls will bring a little bit of Vegas glamour into your home!
So if you're looking for a new place to play online poker and want the peace of mind that it is fully approved and regulated by the Gambling Commission, you might want to try out Titanbet Poker.
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