95% of Players Are Making This Mistake, Are You?...Click Here to Learn More

When you sit down to play, do you know where your chips will come from? Do you know how to find your edge over your opponents and use it to make chips? Or do you play on autopilot just hoping for some good hands?
If you're on autopilot, you're playing like 95 percent of players and you can't win that way. You need a plan to find the weaknesses in your opponents and turn those weakness into chips in your stack.
You can learn how with the new way to beat bad players laid out for you in a free PokerNews training call. It's live and it's happening on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 3 p.m. ET (8 p.m. BT).
To register, all you need to do is click the link below and enter your email.
Click here to register for the webinar.
The subject of the webinar is how to get the results you want in poker. It's being run by our favorite poker coach, Nick Wealthall.
On this training call, Wealthall will show you how to consistently win against bad players, stop being stuck at one limit, and reach your poker potential. He's going to give you an easy-to-use system for improving; a road map for your poker success so you can play with more confidence and improve your understanding and results fast.
This is a one-time live event and we won't be running a replay of, so make sure you don't miss out. It is highly recommended.
Grab your webinar seat right here.
It's rare to get training like this for free, and we don't know when Wealthall will run a call like this again. It's really going to help you out a ton, so make sure you're there on Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET (8 p.m. BT).
Signing up is super easy; just click the link below and enter your email.
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