The Best 5 Poker Themed Apps For Your Phone or Tablet

With more than one billion people in the world currently owning a tablet, and the estimate of 6.1 billion smartphone users by the year 2020, it is safe to say that we are a generation of tech-heads who love to have a wealth of information and entertainment at our fingertips.
The popularity of tablets and smartphones, both Windows-powered, Android, or Apple��s iOS devices has seen an explosion in the number of poker themed apps being created for poker lover around the globe, players who love to play the game for real money, or just for fun, wherever they are in the world.
It goes without saying that some of these mobile poker apps are downright awful, but there are a few gems out there that we have managed to find, apps that we��d be happy to have on our own smartphones and tablets for those times when only a quick game of poker will do.
Best Poker Themed Smartphone and Tablet Apps: Zynga Poker

Easily the best play money poker experience comes from playing Zynga Poker, who claims to be the world��s number one free online hold��em poker game. Available on Windows phones, Android, iOS, and even on Facebook, Zynga Poker offers players the ultimate in flexibility.
Millions of users play on the Zynga Poker app every day, meaning the tables are usually full of players regardless of the time you fire up the app, and you have the choice to play in casual or competitive tournaments every day.
Like most apps, Zynga Poker gives users some chips to start their day, and Zynga allows you to win up to 100,000 free chips on a daily basis. Should you bust your Zynga bankroll, it is possible to buy some play chips so you can continue having fun.
In our opinion, Zynga Poker is the best poker themed app for your smartphone or tablet, and we feel it is a shame their real-money poker endeavours never too off.
Best Poker Themed Smartphone and Tablet Apps: Governor Of Poker 3

This latest edition of Governor of Poker is Youda Games�� first foray into the world of multiplayer poker. Previously, Governor of Poker was only played offline against artificial intelligence (AI) opponents, but now you can play against your friends in cash games, sit-n-go tournaments, and more.
The graphics are colorful, with the top-down view being excellent as it shows vibrant backgrounds and tables. As your skill increases and you win more games, you move onto tougher lands and saloons, not too dissimilar to role playing games.
Best Poker Themed Smartphone and Tablet Apps: World Series of Poker

The most well-known brand in poker, the World Series of Poker (WSOP), has its own free-to-play mobile app, and it is rich with features that you would come to expect from any major poker company.
Head to places such as Las Vegas, Tokyo, Atlantic City, Paris, and Sydney �C virtually, of course �C and play in tournaments to climb various leaderboards. Improve your poker game with the most extensive statistics of any play-for-fun mobile poker app, which are perfect for preparing you to delve into the world of real money poker.
One great feature is you can play WSOP on your mobile or tablet app, then continue with the same bankroll and ranking when you log into your Facebook account, allowing for continuous play wherever you are.
Best Poker Themed Smartphone and Tablet Apps: World Poker Club

World Poker Club may be relatively new to the world of mobile poker apps, but you would never have guessed this was the case judging by its feature-rich offering for Android and iOS.
This app allows you to use gestures to control the action on screen instead of the traditional bet, call, and fold buttons. Double-tapping the screen makes you check, while an upward swipe raises the action.
While the graphics are not the best of the available poker apps, this gesture control helps make you feel part of the action, so the experience is more intense and exciting.
Best Poker Themed Smartphone and Tablet Apps: DH Texas Poker

This app is available on Windows, Android, and iOS and works very well. Getting started is very easy, you can either log in as a guest, via your Facebook account or by creating a DH Texas account.
Waiting time is limited on DH Texas Poker, with the interface being slick and fast. While the traffic is not as plentiful as some of its rivals, there are lots of games running, and you receive a generous stack of chips to start your DH Texas Poker career.
Other Alternatives
Although each of these apps is fun to play, you cannot beat the experience created by some of online poker��s more prominent sites.
The likes of PokerStars, partypoker, and PKR all have amazing apps that allow you to play for play money chips, but also have the added bonus of being able to play for real-money once your skills and confidence are at a level that you are ready to take on the world.
Be sure to check out our list of online poker rooms to see if they have a mobile poker app, and if we have any PokerNews-exclusive bonuses to kick start your bankroll.
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