How To Watch the Brains Vs. AI Poker Rematch

The long-awaited rematch of man vs. machine has made its way to the poker felt and is available for viewing now on Twitch.
The ��Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence: Upping the Ante�� event at Pittsburgh��s Rivers Casino started Jan. 11 and continues on through Jan. 30. The following accounts - those of Jason Les, Dong Kim, Jimmy Chuo and Daniel McAulay vs. the new computer program by Carnegie Mellon University, Libratus - are the ones you should follow to watch the top pros put their poker skills to the test in heads-up no-limit Texas Hold��em.
The computer of choice, Libratus, has been created since last year��s competition when Claudico, the former Carnegie Mellon computer program collected less chips than three of the four players last year, playing out 80,000 hands, too few to determine a conclusion of whether man or machine outwitted the other with statistical significance.
The pros will pair up and play duplicate matches (with each pair receiving the same cards as the computer in each scenario) on the casino floor and in an isolated separate room.
Don't miss these poker games running daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Jason Les vs. Libratus
Watch live video from libratus_vs_jasonles on www.twitch.tvDong Kim vs. Libratus
Watch live video from libratus_vs_dongkim on www.twitch.tvJimmy Chuo vs. Libratus
Watch live video from libratus_vs_jimmychou on www.twitch.tvDaniel McAulay vs. Libratus
Watch live video from libratus_vs_danielmcaulay on www.twitch.tvDon't want to follow along on Twitch? Check out the games on social using #BrainsVsAI.
Lead image courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University