Tweet, Tweet, Bad Beat: Sensitivity Training and Escapees

This week in social media, poker players got out into the world, played some poker and were seen in unlikely places doing strange and ever-so-fitting things.
But that��s what makes us love them even more.
You paid how much for Lucky Chewy?!
Universe speaking to me at Whole Foods #
— Andrew Lichtenberger (@luckychewy)
She��s baaaaack.
Tiffany Rising. #CultofChucky #Winnipeg
— Jennifer Tilly (@Jtillathekilla2)
Struggle is too real.
Might play my first tournament of 2017 today. If I can will myself off my ass
— Joseph Cheong (@subiime)
Hard work makes you better. BRAIN BLAST. Also, don��t get too far down the path of ��Too many people in poker are BLANK.�� You could get in some trouble. #pokersensitivitytraining
Too many people in poker are looking for handouts. If you want to get better at poker work hard to improve and make it happen for yourself.
— gN Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)
Getting lit.
Rockin�� it.
WOAH. Posh poker preparation.
My boy Bill. #science #alternativefacts
Candid. #givemebacktheview
This is what happens when you let poker players out of the casino.
#squad/why do they all look slightly similar?
Snow drone.
The Center for Kids Who Can Read Good? JK. This is nice.
Australia may be the place but the universe is written all over your clothing.
What makes a ninja ��official?�� Because I think we all want in.