GTO Sensei: Get this Revolutionary Poker Trainer on Your Smartphone!

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Every poker player knows that in order to get good results you need to work on your game, but it is often difficult to find the right training method. Whether it's finding a coach, watching videos or spending hours working on simulators, the learning process is much less exciting than the game itself.
The developers of Simple Poker (GTO Solvers: Simple Postflop & Simple Preflop Holdem) set out to prove the opposite: learning can not only be useful, but also interesting!
You can now improve your game in GTO Sensei, a mobile GTO simulator. Make decisions and evaluate your mistakes, with the app advising as to the best decisions.

The application will help you improve and analyze postflop strategy, where the largest pots are played and where you can get the greatest advantage over your opponents.
How GTO Sensei works
- Professional players, coaches and advanced solver users use Simple Postflop to set parameters for calculating equilibrium strategies including starting ranges, stacks and sizing
- Developers have formed a database in order to develop training scenarios
- Scenarios are downloaded to your smartphone and are available for offline training on the go!
The training packs in the app are divided by discipline. In each discipline, you can choose a specific spot for training (for example, single raised pot BTN vs BB or 3-bet pot SB vs BB).

At the moment, training sets for MTT, 6-max and heads-up cash and spins are available.
- The Spin & Go Training Pack is created by ��Tema2010��, a high limit Spin & Go coach and player. The pack includes 16 workouts, each of which is designed for all kinds of flops (over 140,000,000 training scenarios).
- 6-Max Cash Training Pack developed by ��Innerpsy�� (Mikhail Shalamov - PokerStars Pro Online). The pack includes 22 training sessions, the database includes 190,000,000 training scenarios.
- HU NLH Cash is developed by ��snaka��, a player with 12 years of experience. The training set contains decisions to play with SB and BB in 2-bet, 3-bet and 4-bet spots 100bb deep.
- MTT Training Pack prepared by ��TylerRM��. The pack includes 62 workouts, each of which is calculated on a subset of 184 of the most diverse flops (over 57,000,000 training scenarios). Preflop ranges in the pack are calculated using Simple Preflop Holdem with a slight ICM effect.

As part of training, your opponent always plays GTO, with sizing that was initially set in the game tree. The application offers the user to choose actions according to the constructed game trees. During the process of playing, the application analyzes your strategy for how close you are to GTO, indicates which actions were correct and which are mistakes, and how much EV can be lost if you deviate from the GTO.

GTO Sensei Features
As well as training packs for MTT, 6-max cash, heads-ups and Spin & Go, GTO Sensei features highly accurate solver calculations and advanced strategies, as well as an intuitive interface, built-in randomizer and choice of deck designs.
Training sessions are not only postflop! In every workout you can see the preflop description and starting ranges, with a separate interface for analyzing each played hand.
With detailed training statistics you can filter each hand you play by suits or by matching cards. Synchronize statistics between devices, and download your training sessions in advance to train offline.
What's more, you can try the app for free, with several training sessions available immediately for free after downloading.

Where can I download the app?
GTO Sensei is available on iOS and Android.
The developers are actively working on the application and you can ask questions by emailing them or in their Discord chat.
In the future, it is planned there will be training sessions for hold'em in 3-way spots, as well as for other games: Holdem 6+ and Omaha.
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