Cash Game Hand Analysis: Floating the Flop With Jack-High

Today I want to step away from tournaments briefly and share a $5/$10 no-limit hold'em cash game hand I played a while back during the recent World Series of Poker.
The hand begins with a limp from the player in the lojack seat (i.e., to the immediate right of the hijack seat). It folded to me on the button where I was dealt J?8? and I decided to limp as well.
As I explain in the video below, this might seem a bit speculative by me, but in truth I was limping because both the limper before me and the somewhat splashy player in the big blind were not the strongest of players, meaning I was wanting to see more hands against them if I could �� especially from position and with deep stacks.
The small blind also called, then that very splashy player in the big blind raised to $70. The original limper folded, and while folding would be fine here I called and so did the small blind.
The three of us a saw a flop come 9?9?4?. The small blind checked and the big blind bet $70 (a little less than a third of the pot). Again, folding would be fine, but it wouldn't be much of a hand to discuss if I'd done that!
Take a look to see how the hand progressed from there, including what happened when I accidentally turned a real hand.
Jonathan Little is a professional poker player and author with over $6,500,000 in live tournament earnings. He writes a weekly educational blog and hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanLittle.