Hand Analysis: Daniel Negreanu vs. Johnny Chan on 'Poker After Dark'

After vlogging his away through the 2017 World Series of Poker, Daniel Negreanu has returned to his YouTube channel to mark this week's relaunch of Poker After Dark �� by PokerCentral on PokerGO �� by reliving an interesting PAD cash game hand between himself and Johnny Chan.
The game was $100/$200 NL, and in the hand Johnny Chan opened with a raise holding A?5?, Negreanu called with 4?4?, and Patrik Antonius came along as well from the blinds.
A flop of 3?5?2? �� giving Chan top pair and a gutshot to a wheel and Negreanu an open-ended straight draw �� was enough to inspire both action and some interesting strategic decisions, starting with Chan betting and Negreanu choosing to raise. (Antonius stepped aside.)
See below how the hand played out �� the turn and river bring some serious "action" cards as well for these two players' hands �� and listen along the way to Negreanu's thinking regarding his decision-making.
Among the concepts highlighted are the importance of position, buying a "free card" on the turn, value betting, as well as other factors related to narrowing ranges postflop. Take a look: