Jonathan Little��s Weekly Poker Hand: An Interesting Turn Decision

Poker pro and coach Jonathan Little has been producing a wide variety of strategy content for poker players for some time, including authoring multiple books and sharing videos and articles on his website and elsewhere, much of which is free to players of all levels seeking to improve their games.
Little started his popular "Weekly Poker Hand" series on YouTube several years ago, and recently he decided to switch up the format to begin featuring footage from live small- and medium-stakes cash games and tournaments (for the most part).
In the episode shown below, Little takes a break from reviewing others' hands in favor of analyzing a hand he played at a final table of the $10,000 buy-in partypoker Caribbean Poker Party MILLIONS High Roller in Punta Cana from a while back.
The hand comes from early at the final table and with the blinds 100,000/200,000 Little picked up A?K? in early position and raised to 500,000. It folded to Kenny Hallaert who called from the big blind with 9?7?.
The flop came A?8?A?, giving Little trip aces and Hallaert a flush draw. Hallaert chose to check �� a decision Little agrees with �� and Little bet 400,000 into a pot of 1.3M.
Halleart called the continuation bet, then the 2? came on the turn. Hallaert checked again and this time Little bet 2 million or almost the size of the pot.
This is where Little takes the opportunity to stop and examine the hand from Hallaert's perspective and the decision he faced with his draw regarding how to respond to Little's big turn bet.
Some of the concepts discussed in the hand analysis include:
- blind defense
- continuation betting
- bet sizing
- pot odds
- value betting
Take a look:
Jonathan Little is a professional poker player and author with over $6,900,000 in live tournament earnings. He writes a weekly educational blog and hosts a podcast at Sign up to learn poker from Jonathan for free at You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanLittle..