PokerSimple: Episode 1 - Value Betting the Turn

A "value bet" is a bet made "for value," meaning the person doing the betting wants the opponent to call the bet, unlike in the case of a bluff when the player betting desires a fold.
This first episode of PokerSimple is about value betting on the turn, which gets dicey when you have only one pair, but it's the best hand, meaning there's value to be had, if you know when and why to pull the trigger. That's the opening topic.
The next three sections go into the most useful point of this video��
When you know �� before you bet �� that you can correctly fold to aggression, this allows you to step up the aggression with your value bets, correctly and fearlessly.
Then we talk about picking your price, meta-game muscle, and making the draws pay.
1:30 | Why Tommy bets the turn |
3:12 | Folding to the check-raise |
5:04 | Folding overpairs |
7:38 | Betting the river |
10:26 | Setting the price on the river |
12:18 | Meta-game value of betting the river |
13:05 | Make the flush draws pay |
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