Short-Deck Poker Course : Master Short Deck Hold'em with Kane Kalas
Meet the latest elite pro to join the Upswing Poker team: Kane Kalas.
Kane is a high stakes crusher who has played in some of the world's biggest games. You may know him as the winner of a record-breaking $2 million cash game pot.
Having been a big winning player in various game types, Kane moved into short-deck poker because he saw the untapped potential winnings this new game type brings.
For the past six months, he has been working tirelessly on a comprehensive short deck course to help beginners and advanced players alike improve their win-rates.
Kane's course is available now and you can get it right here.
As he says in the video above, Kane does not hold back in this course.
He's included everything you need to start crushing short deck games, from in-depth preflop charts to advanced post-flop strategies.
We're going to walk you through the course and show you a couple "sneak peek" clips in this article.
Special launch week offer: Get Kane's course and receive his bonus course How Tom Dwan Plays Short Deck for free (offer expires November 1st at midnight). It��s a $299 value that is only free this week. Learn more now!
Without further ado, onto the walkthrough.
Sneak Peek Clips
Kane's experience in poker commentary booths really shows in this course. Watch the sneak peek clips below to preview his crystal clear teaching style.
In the first clip, Kane goes over some general ideas you should know before trying your hand at Short Deck Hold��em.
And in the next clip, Kane reviews a couple of heads-up hands he played online.
Short Deck Course Walkthrough
Kane divided his 27-hour course into four main sections with ten subsections:
- Short Deck Fundamentals (9 videos)
Preflop (16 videos)
- Preflop Rules
- 100 Ante Preflop
- 50 Ante Preflop
- Heads-Up Preflop
Postflop (12 videos)
- Flop Hand Strength
- River Play
- Adjustments
Play & Explains (57 videos)
- 6-Handed
- Heads-Up
- Triton High Stakes Review
Short Deck Fundamentals
Length: 1.5 hours
This section covers the most crucial Short Deck concepts and acts as your strategic framework.
Topics include the optimal preflop approach, slow-playing, important vs. NOT important blockers, straight draws, overbetting, and more.
Length: 4 hours
The preflop section is accompanied by the most complete preflop charts for Short Deck Hold'em on the market, which were painstakingly handmade by Kane. There are separate charts for 50 Ante, 100 Ante, and heads-up play.

The videos in this section cover the eight preflop ��rules�� of Short Deck, as well as the way you should approach raising, limping, shoving all-in, and calling all-in. Preflop strategies for heads-up Short Deck play are included as well.
Length: 5.5 hours
The post-flop section will help you understand how to play every type of hand on the flop and how to approach bluffing and bluff-catching on the river.
There��s also an incredibly valuable subsection in which Kane explains how to exploit common leaks exhibited by No-Limit Hold��em players who aren��t accustomed to Short Deck.

Play & Explains
Length: 17 hours
A whopping 57 videos that feature Kane��s analysis over Short Deck hands.
In the Triton High Stakes Review subsection, you get insights into how the world��s best players approach the game as Kane reviews 40+ hands played by Tom Dwan, Andrew Robl, Jason Koon, Timofey ��TrueTeller�� Kuznetsov, and more.
Bonus Course: How Tom Dwan Plays Short Deck
Length: 2.5 hours
In this bonus mini-course, Kane breaks down Dwan's unorthodox strategy, focusing primarily on the adjustments he makes to exploit his opponents.
All the nine course videos are accompanied by written content from Kane that covers each of Dwan��s exploitative adjustments.

Final Thoughts
Kane��s course will teach you a cutting-edge strategy for a relatively unsolved game, which means lots of potential for big win-rates.
If you'd like to have a huge edge (and win-rate) in an exciting new game type, pull the trigger on this course before the $299 free bonus offer expires on Friday.
Get the Short Deck Course Now!
Sponsor generated content by Upswing Poker.