WPT GTO Trainer Hands of the Week: Button Call Vs UTG Open

In today��s scenario we find ourselves calling on the Button vs a 3BB raise from UTG in a Cash Game. Since the raise comes from Under The Gun and there is no ante present, ranges for both players are fairly narrow.
There are several important concepts to keep in mind as you play through this spot. Look for opportunities to semi-bluff on turn cards that increase your equity in the pot. These are natural spots to fire the turn and force folds from the more marginal parts of Villain��s hand range.
Always keep an eye out for when you hold nut blockers. Having these cards allows you to both bluff more often and pick off bluffs more often.
Be careful when the turn card helps Villain��s range. You may want to slow down and simply check behind when they check, or fold when they bet.
Slowplaying should be a consideration on boards where it��s difficult for you to have a bluffing range. If taking an aggressive action clearly defines your range to be only strong hands, you allow opponents to make an easy fold with medium hands which results in losing a lot of EV on your big hands.

For more GTO hand analysis, you can play through five free solved hands from this situation.
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Regular play on the WPT GTO Trainer will help you adjust your decisions closer and closer to GTO strategy.
You don��t have to be the world��s best player to use GTO Strategy, and thanks to the WPT GTO Trainer, now you don��t have to buy expensive software or have expert level knowledge to study GTO.
Why use the WPT GTO Trainer?
The WPT GTO Trainer lets you play real solved hands against a perfect opponent in a wide variety of postflop scenarios for cash game and tournament play.
If your goal is to be a tough poker player then you should try the WPT GTO Trainer today.
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The WPT GTO Trainer has over 2 billion unique solved flops, turns and rivers that are fully playable.
As you make decisions in a hand, you receive instant feedback on the specific EV loss (if any) and Played Percentage for every action you take as compared to GTO strategy.
The full selection of scenarios for the WPT GTO Trainer are only available to members of LearnWPT, however we��re giving PokerNews Readers free access to the Trainer on a regular basis with the WPT GTO Hands of The Week.
Use this series of articles to practice the strategies you learn on LearnWPT (or at the table) and test your progress by playing a five-hand sample each week.
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