Rober Karian - 3rd Place
Perhaps Yevgeniy Timoshenko's testy exchange with Matt Savage lit a fire under him. For the second hand in a row, he has eliminated a player. He opened the pot for 45,000, bringing a quick "all in" declaration from next-to-act Rober Karian. Timoshenko wasted no time in calling.
It was a repeat of their earlier all-in confrontation; Timoshenko had the bigger ace but lost after Karian spiked his kicker on the flop.
Everyone leaned forward to see if Karian could do it again, and indeed it looked like he might when the flop came . Karian needed a nine or a diamond to win the hand, or a non-diamond three for a chop. This time, however, the best hand held up when the board bricked running sevens, .
Karian earns a tidy $126,000 for his efforts over the past four days.