We caught the action on a flop of with an early-position player betting out into three opponents. Eugene Juczenko made the call before Trung Tran raised on the button. Danny Mountt made the call in the big blind, as did the EP player and Juczenko.
The turn brought the . The action checked to Tran who bet. Mountt and the EP player called, before Juczenko announced a raise. Tran instantly put in another raise to drive the other two players out of the pot and leave Juczenko as the lone caller.
The river was the and Juczenko came out firing with Tran making the call.
Tran showed for a straight on the turn to go with his low, but Juczenko had caught running flush cards with for the rivered nut-nut.
Tran sighed as he slips back to 8,300 with Juczenko now up to 26,000.