Jason Gray - 10th Place
Gray moved all in on the flop with a flush draw against Phil Ivey's top pair of 10s. On the turn, Gray picked up a straight draw, but missed all his draws on the river. Gray headed to the rail in 10th place. Ivey is heating up and starting to amass chips.
If you have been following our coverage the past week or so, you know that we've been dealing with technical issues ranging from spotty internet connections to You Tube (the service which hosts our videos) being down for random maintenance. Thanks for your understanding. Video will be updated as soon as humanly possible.
John Juanda - 11th Place
John Juanda gets it all in against Tony Bloom pre flop. JJ shows , and Tonuy Bloom shows . The flop is , the turn the and the river is the , which eliminates Juanda from the tournament in 11th place.
We are at 10, but only eight will make the final table.
Gus Hansen - 12th Place
Masaaki Kagawa continued his rush after he sent Gus Hansen to the rail. Kagawa raised preflop to 14K. Hansen moved all in for 16.5K total with . Kagawa called with . Kagawa outflopped Hansen on a board . The turn and river are blanks and Hansen busted out in 12th place.
Masaaki Kagawa gets it all in with Phil Ivey on a flop of . Ivey flips over , but Masaaki turns over , and Ivey's stomach turns. No help on the turn, or river, and Masaaki has doubled in twice in the span of about 8 hands to get up to 185,000 chips.
Lee Nelson - 13th Place
On a flop of , Lee Nelson pushed his shortstack all in with . Joe Reina called with . The turn was and the river was and Reina won the pot with Ace high. Nelson headed to the rail in 13th place under a heavy shower of applause. Erick Seidel was moved to Table 31 to balance things out.
All the money goes in preflop, with Masaaki Kagawa showing , and Erik Seidel showing . The flop of seems innocent enough, but the turn and river gives Masaaki the hand, and he doubles up through Erik Seidel to get back up to 88,000 in chips.
David Benyamine - 14th Place
David Benyamine raised preflop with . Tony G popped him for a raise with 9-9. Benyamine called for the rest of his chips. Tony G's hand held up after he won another race as Benyamine headed to the rail.