Julius Colman moved all in with against Gus Hansen's . The flop was and Hansen took the lead. The turn was and the river was . The straight on the board meant that both players chopped the pot. Julius Colman survives.
There have been some technical problems in the TV Tower studio that have limited our coverage. Attempts are being made during this break to resolve them.
The floor staff have been very strict about the "out of turn" penalties. They give you one warning and they remember if you have been given the warning. Second offense is a 10 minute penalty. Players have complained bitterly and often about this rule but it continues to be uniformly enforced.
Right now Gus Hansen and Jimmy Fricke have big stacks over 5 million each. Andy Black is in the middle with 3 million or so while Julius Colman and Hans Vogl are the short stacks around 800K.