Welcome to Day 1b of Bar Poker Open Florida World Championship

Welcome to Day 1b of the Bar Poker Open Main Event at the Florida World Championship. Cards go in the air at 11 a.m. for the first of two opening flights into Monday's Day 2 finale.
Day 1a drew 287 entries and 27 players will move on to join the survivors from today's flight to play for the guaranteed top prize of $40,000. Joseph Fleming is the Day 1a chip leader after he bagged a big lead with 925,000.
Players have earned their way to the Palm Beach Kennel Club through Bar Poker Open Qualifiers at nearly 1,000 bars all over the country and also through online tournaments.
The championship is restricted to these players, but there are a total of nine other events that are open to everyone. This includes the $150 Charity Series of Poker Celebrity Charity Event, which kicks off at 5 p.m. Players that played both 1a and 1b flights receive a free entry.
Players in the Main Event will start with 30,000 chips and blinds begin at 100/100 with a 100 ante. Levels will increase every 30 minutes and the opening flights will play down to approximately 10% of the field and all of the players in the money. Players are allowed one reentry through the start of Level 9 for $365.
Be sure to keep it with the PokerNews team all day long for live updates from the floor at the BPO Florida World Championship at Palm Beach Kennel Club.