Ar-no more
Arnaud Mattern raised preflop and Lukas Benkovic flat-called from the button to see a flop. Mattern bet out, and then called a raise from Benkovic to see a turn, upon which he check-called another bet from Benkovic. Come the river, there were 200,000 chips in the middle, and Mattern checked again. Benkovic bet enough to cover Mattern's remaining 50,000 or so. He dwelled up long enough for the clock to be called on him -- and then called.
"Wow," said Benkovic, who, it seems, had thought he was bluffing but was actually holding the best hand.
Mattern, who had also thought that Benkovic was bluffing, looked as though he might explode, shook hands with Benkovic, and then headed for the rail.