Lev Myrmsky is proving a bit of a wild card here in the High Rollers event, and there's a lot that's somewhat eccentric about the now well-stacked player. He just tangled with Florian Langmann, calling the German's preflop reraise out of the small blind (11,600, up from Myrmsky's original 4,900).
The flop: . Langmann bet out 19k, and a split second later Myrmsky announced, "All in." This was quite some bet - his stack is now 240k and Langmann only just had him covered. This could have been the biggest pot of the tournament so far if he'd called...but he didn't. While he thought about it, however, Myrmsky stood up, then sat down, then got out a small book and proceeded to read it until the hand was over.
He's also wearing a shirt which is covered in gems on the front, and on the back says, "What defines me is not what defines you. What drives me is not what drives you. I love what you do not love. I am me and you are you." Food for thought.