Well folks, that's a wrap. After six days, 768 runners, 33 levels and a whole load of adrenalin, Jake Cody has been crowned 2010 EPT Deauville champion in a shower of silver confetti.
Cody's turning point was busting Hugo Lemaire's pocket kings on Day 4 with the humble offsuit to propel him to big stack status, and it is perhaps fitting that those same cowboys that he cruelly outdrew should win him the title a day later. The 21-year-old former psychology student from Rochdale in the UK was playing his first ever EPT here in Deauville, and we can be certain that we will be seeing a lot more of him on the circuit in future.
Indeed it has been a vintage final table all round, with a slew of big names and an interesting smattering of extremely talented young poker stars of tomorrow, and can be taken as proof that the near-perfect structure of the EPTs means that the cream almost always rises to the top.
Thanks to all the staff from the EPT and Casino Barriere for a fantastic six days of poker, and congratulations to all the winners. We'll be back on the EPT trail in Copenhagen in just a few weeks' time, but until then, from all of us here in Deauville, it's over and out.
Caraba - runner up
Teodor Caraba made it 800,000 from the button. Jake Cody reraised him to 1.76 million. Caraba shipped for 9.54 million, and Cody couldn't call any faster.
A couple hands later and Caraba shipped his mini-stack in. Cody made the call.
Teodor Caraba:
Jake Cody:
The Romanian rail joyfully chanted something intelligible to non-Romanians. Though still the short stack by about three to one, Caraba is back in the game.
Teodor Caraba raised from the button, and Jake Cody now reraised. Caraba shoved to cover, Cody quickly called all in for 9.89 million in total, and they were on their backs.
Caraba: a rather weaker
The two clubs on the turn made Cody sweat, but the eights held up and he doubled to a commanding 19.78 million. Caraba was left with just 2.96 million. This could be over soon...
Jake Cody raised preflop, and Teodor Caraba called.
Flop: - check/check
Turn: - Caraba bet out 700,000, and Cody reraised to 2 million. Caraba mucked, and Cody tossed away his cards with a smirk. "Show the bluff! Show the bluff!" shouted his fans, but it was on to the next hand.
But do you have a flag?
The railers have been challenged to a cheering contest!
Brits: "Seven-four, seven-four, seven-four!"
Romanians: it was in Romanian, but we think it was "Gloooooria! Glooooooooria!"
The Romanians not only have a slight edge on numbers and therefore volume, but they also chose to sing a paean to our own Gloria Balding. We presume. Plus they have a flag.
Both players have established a set opening raise size. Jake Cody raises to 670,000 each time, a 2.33x raise. Teodor Caraba, on the other hand, always opens to 800,000, a 2.66x raise.