Melo Gold

JP Kelly opened for 750 under the gun but soon gave it up to a 1,975 reraise from Fatima Moreira de Melo and a four-bet to 4,200 from the gentleman in the cutoff. De Melo called the re-reraise to her reraise, and they were heads up to the flop.
De Melo checked to her opponent, who bet 5,400. The expressions on their respective faces were de Melo - intense stary outrage; her opponent - innocent dopey nonchalance. De Melo made the call.
The facial expressions remained the same as they checked down the turn and
river, and de Melo's opponent turned over
. Triumphant, de Melo flipped
"Why did you try to bluff me?" she demanded, but got no reply from her opponent - just a chunk of his stack instead.
Former Olympic gold medallist in field hockey de Melo was up to 83,000 after that.