Ross Nutcracked
He probably thought that this was a great chance for a double up to over 200,000, but William Ross was about to get a shock, and a boot out the door. He'd three-bet a relatively new player to the table Giuseppe Pantaleo (16,000 over 6,300) and there was a pause while this was considered. Active and with just over 100,000 chips, a decision formed in Player Two's mind to get rid of Ross. He moved all in, covering him. Ross immediately called and showed . His opponent could only table
With barely a nod and a cold expression, Ross headed off, shaking Kristijonas Andrulis' hand (the neighbours seemed to have a mutual respect). The usual response to having beaten aces with nine-high commenced.
"It was three-bet, four-bet all the time. I thought he was pushing me as I was new to the table." Pantaleo stacked his 300,000+.