Raemon Sluiter Eliminated in 22nd (�40,000)
Level 22
: 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante

The Dutch hopes of a deep run for tennis legend Raemon Sluiter have been dashed by a single flopped ace. Sluiter three-bet preflop (130,000) over a 43,000 raise from Tamas Lendvai, which had been called by Simon Higgins. Lendvai moved all-in, Higgins folded (saying he would probably win) and Sluiter instantly called.
The flop brought a clap from Lendvai, who otherwise remained silent and motionless through the hand: . The turn and river were
and a disappointed Sluiter went to give Fatima Moreira de Melo a hug and collect his still reasonable pay check. Meanwhile Higgins maintains he folded fives.