It's a Sign!

EPT award winner Martin Jacobson has arrived at EPT Tallinn fresh from a 8-week American soiree. For a man with such high standards he did not experience his greatest few weeks at the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and yesterday he thought all the signs were gearing up for another bad start. Not only did his luggage fail to follow him to Tallinn but he then lost the classic "credit card roulette" when it came to buying dinner last night.
He has just shown us a little ladybird which has nestled on his headphone case.
"It's a sign," he said.
We seem to believe him as he currently sits on a stack of around 55,000 after being fairly active in hands like these.
Jacobson opened with a raise to 400 from the classic steal position - the button. Michael McNelis was in the big blind and decided to defend.
McNelis checked to Jacobson who made the obligatory c-bet of 475. "No, no, no," said McNelis before folding.
Then in the next hand Mikhail Morozovs raised to 425 and Jacobson slammed the door shut with a 1,200 three-bet from the cut-off and Morozovs respectably folded from his inferior position.