Theodore Shoves on Cadenel

First to act, Francisco da Costa Santos open-limped for 300. To his immediate left was Sebastian Cadenel who raised to 2,300. A couple of folds later and it was the turn of Paul Theodore to act on the button. He removed the pink package of chewing gum from the top of his cards and then called. Jamie Burland called from the big blind and when da Costs Santos folded, the dealer got busy spreading the flop.
Flop: - Burland tapped the table and checked, Cadenel fired a 3,500 bet into the middle and Theodore raised to 10,550. Burland let out a sigh as he sent his cards back to the dealer, and Cadenel called.
Turn: - Cadenel instantly checked and then instantly called as Theodore put out a 5,500 bet.
River: - More instant checked by Cadenel was met with an all-in bet of 17,000 from Theodore. Cadenel, who looked like a man who knew he should have folded on the flop, released his hand.