Alexandre Gomes - 4th Place
We pick up the action on the flop in a pot between Alex Brenes and Alexandre Gomes.
The board reads . The betting action is unclear due to the spectacle it created, but both players end up all in on that flop. Gomes holds for a straight draw, a flush draw, and two overcards. Brenes tables giving him the open-ender and one overcard to the board.
The turn brings the straight for Brenes when the peels off. Gomes will need to catch a spade on the river or any 5 to split the pot.
The river, however, is a useless , spelling the end for Gomes. He gets a handshake from the remaining players as he heads to the cashier, looking for his $68,100 prize.
Alex Brenes, meanwhile, has taken the chip lead as we go to three-handed play. He sits with just under 1.7 million in chips.
Lisandro Gallo has the button in Seat 4.
He opens the pot with a raise to 47,000. Alex Brenes calls from the small blind and the two men head to the flop.
It rolls out , and both players check.
Turn: . Brenes leads out with a bet of 50,000, and Gallo calls.
River: . Brenes leads out again, this time for 150,000. Quickly, Gallo calls, turning over . It's no good though; Brenes shows down having flopped the full house.
Lisandro Gallo has the button in Seat 4.
From under the gun, Jose Miguel Espinar opens with a raise to 45,000. Everyone folds to Alexandre Gomes in the big blind, and he makes the call.
Flop: . Both players check.
Turn: . Alexandre Gomes bets out 70,000. After four or five minutes of pensive glances, Espinar makes the call.
The river is the . Fairly quickly, Gomes leads out again with 130,000. Almost as fast, Espinar folds, and Gomes takes down a nice pot without a showdown.
Gylbert Drolet - 5th Place
Lisandro Gallo has the button in Seat 4.
The action folds around to him and he opens with a raise to 44,000. Next to act is Gylbert Drolet in the small blind, and he moves all in for his last 194,000 chips. Alex Brenes ducks out of the big blind, and Gallo makes the call. With Drolet at risk of being eliminated, the cards are shown down:
The flop shows up , adding extra outs for Gallo. The turn comes a safe, but scary-looking, . Drolet needs to fade all of the queens, aces, and spades to stay alive.
Unfortunately for him, the rips off on the river, making Gallo the winning ace-high flush. Gylbert Drolet heads to the rail, and will collect a check for $51,070 as a consolation prize.
Jose Miguel Espinar has the button in Seat 3.
Alex Brenes raises to 45,000 under the gun. Next to act is Alexandre Gomes, and he reraises the bet to 150,000. Espinar folds quickly, but both Lisandro Gallo and Gylbert Drolet think for several minutes before deciding to muck as well. Action comes back to Brenes, and he too thinks for a good while before conceding to the reraise.
Continuing the trend of the previous level, play is slow and measured for the time being. Once more, very few pots are going to the flop, and virtually none of them make it to the turn. With the stacks not being especially deep right now, it will be interesting to see how long the trend continues.
Emcee Humberto Brenes
As the players return from their stretch break, Humberto Brenes has taken over the role of final table announcer, calling the action in Spanish as a member of the floor staff repeats it in English. With his brother playing at the table, Humberto has a great view of the action.