Negreanu Staying Involved

Team PokerStars Pro Daniel Negreanu has been staying nice and active on the feature table up on the stage. Here's a few hands he recently played all in a row.
On the first hand, action folded to Negreanu in the small blind. The shorter-stacked Sami Nadim Nasser was in the big blind and Negreanu announced a raise to 300,000. Nasser took a minute and then folded, leaving himself with about 110,000 in chips.
On the next hand, action folded over to Negreanu on the button and he raised to 22,000. Nasser shoved in from the small blind for 108,000. Negreanu took some time, but eventually folded his hand and showed that he was laying down the .
Then, Negreanu opened to 22,000 from the cutoff seat and Felipe Morbiducci called from the big blind to see the flop come down . Both checked and the turn was the
. Morbiducci bet 27,000 and Negreanu folded. Morbiducci showed the