Vanessa "fslexcduck" Selbst
Even out of position, Vanessa Selbst can be a dangerous player. Mike Beasley just got a glimpse of that first-hand.
Pre-flop, Selbst opened the betting with a raise to 160,000. Beasley had the button, giving him an opportunity to play a pot in position against Selbst. He was the only caller to a flop of . Vanessa deliberated before betting 260,000. Beasley called very quickly, probably inside of ten seconds.
The turn was the . Selbst again made a very deliberate bet of 490,000. For a second time, Beasley called inside of ten seconds.
The river was a seeming blank, the . Vanessa cut 13 orange (100K) chips off of her stack, added six blue (5K) chips and pushed them into the middle of the table, a bet of 1,330,000. This time Beasley was not so quick to call. He eyed Selbst and her stack, then asked how much she was playing behind. He tanked another minute or two before mucking his hand.