From early-middle position, Vanessa Rousso limped in. Cody Slaubaugh limped from the cutoff seat and then David Paredes completed from the small blind. Joe Cutler checked his option in the big blind and the four players went to the flop.
It came down across the middle of the table. Paredes checked and Cutler checked with action moving over to Rousso. She fired 30,000 and then Slaubaugh called. Paredes and Cutler both folded, halving the amount of players in the hand.
The turn card was the and paired the board. Rousso bet again, making it 40,000 to go this time. Slaubaugh called.
The river was the and Rousso checked. Slaubaugh thought about it for a little bit, but then checked behind. He then mucked his hand when Rousso tabled the for two pair with a king kicker. She's now up to 425,000 chips.