Action checked around on the flop of between Robert Mizrachi, Zachary "CrazyZachary" Clark and one other player. The turn brought the and Mizrachi checked. Clark fired 9,800 from his stack of about 140,000. The next player folded before MIzrachi check-raised to 44,800. Clark made the call.
The river brought the , pairing the board and completing a possible flush draw. Mizrachi grabbed a stack of chips and jammed them into the middle of the felt. The total bet was for 90,500. Clark took about ten seconds before announcing a call.
Immediately after hearing the word "call" from Clark's mouth, Mizrachi flung over for a full house. Clark mucked his hand and began to count out the chips to pay off Mizrachi.
At last count, Mizrachi had 400,000 chips, but now is crushing the competition even more with 540,000. Clark dropped to 40,000.