Kamal Bejjani - 9th Place
Walid Rizkallah started the action with a raise to 90,000 under the gun, and the bet passed nearly all the way around the table. In the big blind though, Kamal Bejjani made the call, heads up to the flop.
It brought , and Bejjani moved all in for 208,000. Without too much delay, Rizkallah made the call to put his opponent's tournament life in his hands.
Rizkallah had a hammer lock on the hand with top-top while Rizkallah was drawing to a chop or runner-runner win cards. The on the turn was no help, and the that filled out the board was useless as well.
Failing to improve, Kamal Bejjani becomes the first man out of the final table, taking home 9th-place money worth $38,500.