Anton Ionel moved all in again and received no callers. He tabled and the rail erupted.
2011 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Anton Ionel finally made a stand and moved all in from the small blind for 845,000. He held the and was called by Galen Hall in the big blind who held the
The flop came down and kept Ionel in the lead. The turn brought the
to pair the board, but it changed nothing. Hall still needed a king to eliminate Ionel in fourth place.
The river completed the board with the and Ionel's patience paid off as he doubled up to 1.7 million in chips. That's still less than 10 big blinds.
Galen Hall min-raised to 400,000 with on the button and Sam Stein called with
from the big blind.
The dealer flopped and Stein check-folded when Hall put out a continuation bet.
Sam Stein raised to 435,000 from first position with . Galen Hall three-bet to 1.1 million with
from the small blind. Stein released and Hall was awarded the pot.

From the button, Galen Hall put in a min-raise with two black fours, . Sam Stein defended from the big blind with the
and the flop came down
. Both players checked and the turn brought the
. Stein seized the opportunity, reading the situation correctly, and fired 535,000. Hall folded and Stein won the pot with just eight high.
Sam Stein opened to 435,000 with from under the gun and Galen Hall three-bet to over a million with
from the small blind. Stein opted to four-bet shove over Hall and Hall mucked his hand.

Chris Oliver raised from under the gun to 475,000 with the . Galen Hall called from the big blind with the
and the two players saw the flop come
. Oliver still held the best hand, but Hall held a flush draw now. Hall checked and Oliver checked behind.
The turn brought the to pair the board. Hall fired 450,000 and Oliver didn't just give it up. He put in a raise to 1.1 million. Hall made the call with his flush draw.
The river completed the board with the and also completed the flush for Hall. He thought for a bit and then checked. Oliver fired at the pot, trying to steal it with a bet of 950,000. After a minute, Hall check-raised to 2.7 million and won the pot.
Level: 32
Blinds: 100,000/200,000
Ante: 20,000
Galen Hall opened to 350,000 with on the buton and, surprise surprise, Chris Oliver three-bet to 1.25 million with
from the small blind. Hall four-bet all in and Oliver snap folded.

Galen Hall completed from the small blind with the . Chris Oliver raised from the big blind with the
to 400,000 and Hall called.
The flop came down and Hall check-called a bet of 160,000 from Oliver. The turn brought the
and both players checked. The river completed the board with the
and both checked again.
Oliver showed his hand and his pair of threes to win the pot.