Suri Bluffs Zongge

The Suri express is building up steam once again with Zheng Zongge the man tied to the tracks in this particular hand. Pre-flop it was Zongge who was the aggressor, making it 3,500 from the cutoff with Suri and the big blind coming along for the raid.
The big blind checked the flop over to Zongge, who seemed a little gun shy and chose not to continuation bet and the action was on Suri.
Needing no further encouragement the Indian player made it 6,500 to go. While this was enough to get the big blind to bow out Zongge made the call to take play heads-up to the turn.
Now Zongge chose to lead, firing out a bet of 12,000 and Suri hit the think tank for a minute or so before pulling the trigger and moving all-in. Now it was Zongge��s turn to tank but after thinking it over he decided to wait for a better spot and threw his hand away. Suri obligingly turned over for a stone cold bluff.
Player | Chips | Progress |
23,800 |
-64,100 |