Following an open raise to 400,000 by Daniel "SmilleThHero" Smiljkovic in the hijack, Dzmitry "Colisea" Urbanovich three-bet to 1.2 million and then called all-in when facing a shove in this battle of the shorter stacks.
Dzmitry "Colisea" Urbanovich:
Daniel "SmilleThHero" Smiljkovic:
On a board of , the kicker played and Urbanovich was sent to the rail in 5th place.
Tom "Daenarys T" Vogelsang made it 400,000 to go in the cutoff and picked up a customer in Elliott "elliottpet" Peterman out of the big blind. They checked the flop and Peterman check-called for 338,250 on the turn.
Vogelsang checked behind the river and Peterman won the pot with for a flush.
The action kicked off with a raise to 440,000 by Elliott "elliottpet" Peterman on the button and Tom "Daenarys T" Vogelsang came along out of the big blind to see a flop of . A first barrel for 331,500 by Peterman was check-called by Vogelsang and the same action repeated on the turn, albeit for 1,237,600.
Vogelsang then checked the river and Peterman bet 5,516,160 to force a fold from his opponent to claim half of the chips in play.
Daniel "SmilleThHero" Smiljkovic min-raised the button and was called by Elliott "elliottpet" Peterman in the big blind. They checked all the way to the river on which Peterman bet 1 million into 1,025,000. Smiljkovic called but mucked when he was shown the for a straight.
Dzmitry "Colisea" Urbanovich opened to 440,000 and then folded when Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood three-bet to 960,000.
One hand later, Elliott "elliottpet" Peterman raised for the very same amount and Greenwood three-bet to 1,060,000. No call followed and the Canadian pulled into a comfortable second spot.
More than a dozen hands came and passed without any major action and just one turn card was reached. With the average now down to 34 big blinds and just one contender well above that, the action has become very tense.
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood defended his big blind when facing a min-raise by Tom "Daenarys T" Vogelsang in the under-the-gun position. The Canadian check-raised toe flop to 600,000 for Vogelsang to call and then check-folded the turn when Vogelsang bet 491,875.