Farrell Wants it Back

Dominik Nitsche had recently taken a decent sized pot from big stack Niall Farrell, and Farrell expressed his determination to get his stack back to what it had been before this unfortunate incident. He had just taken down the previous hand with a raise and a c-bet on a flop of getting a fold from the blind defender. Now Nitsche opened the pot for 1,700 and Farrell called, looking for revenge. Things were complicated by Paul McTaggart though who called on the button, while the blinds folded.
A flop of and Nitsche checked. Farrell bet out for 2,600 and while McTaggart called Nitsche folded.
on the turn. Farrell picked up a single blue T5000 chip from his stack and flicked it just ahead of him. McTaggart wasn��t convinced though and called. The river was the
. Had that changed anything? Farrell certainly didn��t give the impression that it had as he now took two blue chips and nonchalantly flicked out his bet of 10,000. It was getting very expensive now for McTaggart who seemed to lose confidence in his hand. He knew that Farrell knew this too and a roll of the eyes turned onto a smile as he let his hand go.
Farrell decided to teasingly show one card and turned over the , insisting that the other one was much better; but it was already in the muck.