Level: 8
Blinds: 400/800
Ante: 100
Level: 8
Blinds: 400/800
Ante: 100
The remaining 7 players are on a short break.
Alan "Hotted89" Widmann raised to 1,400 holding pocket tens and Thijs "Thijs" Molendijk three-bet to 4,200 with . It folded back around to "Hotted89" and he called to see a flop.
The flop came down to give both players a piece of the flop. "Hotted89" bet out 10,000 and "Thijs" moved all in. "Hotted89" called really quick.
The board ran out to give Thijs the flush draw, but the
river card didn't help him.
Player | Chips | Progress |
18,675 |
Busted |
Thijs "Thijs" Molendijk raised from late position with to 1,400 and he was in a good spot against Scott "Sco" McMillan who defended his small blind with
. Keiron "Scoom" Prescott defended his big blind with
The flop came down and when it folded around to "Thijs" he took it down with a continuation bet.
Player | Chips | Progress |
-2,300 |
-1,000 |
3,000 |
It folded around to Nathan "NBK" Schmitt on the cutoff and he raised to 1,400. Sophia "Djarii" White called from the big blind and they went heads-up to the flop.
The flop was and "NBK" took down the pot after "Djarii" had checked to him and he made a continuation bet.
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,000 |
-1,000 |
Level: 7
Blinds: 300/600
Ante: 75
Thijs "Thijs" Molendijk raised from the under the gun position to 1,200 holding . Scott "Sco" McMillan called with
from middle position and Jordy "MojoOnPC" Janssens called as well from the button.
The flop came down and "Thijs" continued with a bet of 1,800. Both "Sco" and "MojoOnPC" called the bet from "Thijs" and the dealer burnt and turned
turn card.
"Thijs" fired another bullet with a bet 3,500. With both "Thijs" and "Sco" holding two pair there were plenty of options for "Sco" on how to play his hand. After about two minutes he raised to 7,000 and "MojoOnPC" got out of the way. Thijs called the raise.
The river was the and completed a potential flush and straight on the board. "Thijs" checked to "Sco" and he checked behind.
Both players showed their hand and the pot went to "Sco" with the better two pair.
Player | Chips | Progress |
13,000 |
-10,500 |
Nathan "NBK" Schmitt raised to 1,200 with and Tyler "Wildcat" Wine moved all in with
for 7,150. "NBK" was quick with the call and the cards went on their backs.
The board ran out and "Wildcat" wasn't able to catch up and was eliminated from the tournament by "NBK".
Player | Chips | Progress |
7,000 |
Busted |
Level: 6
Blinds: 250/500
Ante: 50
Scott "Sco" McMillan raised to 1,000 from the under the gun position with [9s9sc] and it folded around to Alan "Hotted89" Widmann in the cutoff. Widmann missclicked to eventually three-bet with to 1,600. it folded back to "Sco" and he moved all-in for 15,000.
"Hotted89" took his time for his decision but ended up folding his hand.
Player | Chips | Progress |
-1,000 |
-1,375 |