We stood over Table 4 for a solid ten minuets, watching Melih Ekmek?io?lu play three hands in a row. We only caught the river of the first hand. With well more than 100,000 chip already in the middle, Ekmek?io?lu bet 70,000 on a board of . His lone opponent, Rep Porter, raised that bet to 170,000, enough to put Ekmek?io?lu all in. He snap-folded.
The two were at it again the very next hand, with Porter raising to 8,000 from under the gun and Ekmek?io?lu calling from the button. On a flop of , Porter check-called a bet. Both players checked the turn. When the river double-paired, , Porter checked again. Ekmek?io?lu made an ill-advised stab at the pot for 11,000, which Porter quickly called with unimproved . It was good.
The very next hand it was Chris Ferguson's turn to get involved with Ekmek?io?lu. Ferguson opened for 7,500 in front of Ekmek?io?lu, who looked like he might be steaming when he re-raised all in for 45,400. Ferguson deliberated in his usual manner before calling with . He was up against . Ekmek?io?lu promptly flopped a full house, , a hand that was still good at the river.
That loss crippled Ferguson to 12,000 chips. He went out a few hands later. Porter, meanwhile, appears to be the new chip leader with 465,000.