The Christophe Chronicles (A Trilogy)

We just witnessed an interesting three-hand sequence over at Table 8. Not to give away too much of the plot before we get started, but for a bit of foreshadowing we'll say all three hands began and ended similarly. Oh, and there was a twist at the end.
The first one began with Marc Inizan raising to 2,300 (from early position). It folded around to Peuriere Christophe in the big blind who set out a large reraise, prompting a fold from Inizan. Hand to Christophe.
The second began with Inizan raising to 2,300 (from UTG+1). It folded around to Christophe in the small blind who reraised to 10,500, prompting a fold from the big blind and Inizan. Hand to Christophe.
The third began with Inizan raising to 2,300 (from under the gun). This time Inizan's short-stacked neighbor reraised to 7,000, then it folded to Christophe who called from the button. The blinds got out, and Inizan folded, too.
The flop came , and Christophe's opponent pushed out his remaining 7,500. Christophe made the call, and his opponent quickly tabled his
for a set of jacks. Christophe's shoulders slumped a bit as he showed his
Remember, though... these hands all end similarly. And don't forget about the twist!
The turn was the , changing nothing. But the river brought the
-- and an "oooh!" from the table. Hand to Christophe.
That sequence ends with one elimination, Inizan sitting with about 22,000, and Christophe motoring up over 70,000.