Under the gun, Derek Harrington raised 10,000 and was reraised 15,000 more by Tommy Vedes, making it 25,000 to go. With the price set, Motoyuki "Moto" Mabuchi made the call and watched as Harrington bowed out. With two players going to the flop it came down and Vedes shoved all in for 78,000.
After a moment of deliberation, "Moto" made the call and Vedes jumped out of his seat as he revealed his pocket aces, with a lone forceful clap. "Moto" sheepishly turned over his pocket queens and waited for the turn. The fell on the fourth street to give both players full houses, but Vedes had the bigger boat. The river was dry for "Moto" as the fell and gave Vedes a huge pot that changed his fortunes.